Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I'm taking this week off work, just for a break and a catch up on sleep and art.
I've been doing a lot of oil painting - I'm going to have to get them up online some time.

This is the first comic I've done on my new MacPro Beast with its superfluously humongous screen. Wuff!

For today's comic, I actually came up with the idea when I was doing cartoons as a teenager - I've even got the original comic in front of me as I write this. Back in the day when I was trying to get my head around Corel Draw! My old man would disagree, but I prefer Adobe.

I re-wrote it in the context of Melbourne Fuzz's characters - I've also used Axel the Croc who I haven't drawn for a while. This strip has been in my sketch book for months and I've been meaning to put it together.

When drawing the Eureka Tower, I pulled a photo down from Google Images and used it as a reference. I then remembered that I live next to the Eureka Tower and I could have just popped out onto my balcony. That's Gen Y for you. Always wanting everything NOW!

- Malc.

1 comment:

Caffeine Faerie said...

ahahahahahahahahaha. Nice.