Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bummer of a Hummer

Call me old fashioned, but I don't like Hummers. I don't like Hummers A LOT! I only started seeing them when I moved to Melbourne - and may I propose a question: What the hank do you need a Hummer in Melbourne for?! I was visiting my parents out in the 'burbs last Tuesday - and my mom, cousin and I took a trip down to one of the malls. In the car park, I saw a Hummer taking up two parking spots. Always a great popularity move to take up twice the allocated number of parks per vehicle to dump your ridiculously ridicularse wheels.

In this game called life, I try to adhere to the rule "know me before you judge me". I do not know any people who drive Hummers, but we can be 99% confident that people who drive Hummers are silly...amongst other things. Did you ever see Ghandi drive a Hummer? No you did not. Please prove me wrong world, show me a benevolent humanitarian who drives a Hummer, and I will show you... show you... I don't know. My stamp collection I suppose. Yeah.

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