Thursday, August 28, 2008

Woaaaah Didja see the penguins?!

Phillip Island is one of Victoria's tourist attractions, some friends and I went on a day trip out there a few months ago with a tour group. We stopped at a few places on the way - a farm, a vineyard, an ocean observatory etc before reaching our destination. It was a really fantastic trip and I recommend you check it out.

In the days leading up to our excursion, I quickly discovered that Phillip Island is synonymous with penguins, and let me tell ya, if you plan to go with a tour group to Phillip Island to see penguins, you will.

Subsequently, whenever I tell people that I went to Phillip Island, the next question without fail would be "did you see the penguins?". That's like telling someone that you went to China and they ask you "did you see the Chinese?"

In fact, I dare you to go to Phillip Island, and not see any penguins - I will buy you a beer... and maybe a penguin.

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